Wednesday 8 September 2010

So, back to work for me...

...and it doesn't seem like I ever had a break! I can't moan though, I absolutely love my job and it is great meeting up with lots of my friends there!!, as I type this, I am thinking that there is a slight chill about...certain signs of Autumn...although, I was brave enough to don a pair of shorts at the weekend still!!...

...even if I did get teased a little!!...Back to the weekend, I was very proud to be named as one of my close friends daughters was a beautiful day, the weather was lovely for us and it ended up being a rather, er...merry day!...alongside the other 2 godparents, we thought it best that we toast Tilly and promise that we will love and care for wold be hard not to!! she is positively beautiful...
Yep, so after a busy weekend, it's already half way through my first 'normal' week...back into routine (which I kinda like!)...making stuff like crazy in preparation for, dare I say, Christmas, a new family to start working with next week...but not that much more to look forward to...can anyone help me???

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